18 March 2007


This is what it's about.

Pat sporting the new t-shirt, slightly used.

Ouch, I hurt.

16 March 2007

Typical Friday night

Psyched up and ready for my 2nd NCCSSR tomorrow. Had rain all day and the temp dropped a bunch. I will be a superhero.

18 February 2007

Money Pit?

Wonder how badly this will nickel & dime me?

21 January 2007

Broken , now fixed

My oldest steed has seen some heavy usage & finally the rear hub worked its way down to 30spokes. I guess riding off-road didn't help the situation much, along with my 100kg.

Finally dusted off the wallet & picked up a flip-flop rear end & slapped it on entering the fixed gear world. Went out yesterday for the 1st time as such, and I can just say it ain't too bad....till I want to stop. Let me just say, I'll be leaving my front brake on for some time.

Who's says there ain't no such thing as golobal warming. January 14th & mid-70s. Something doesn't seem right here.

12 January 2007


Another year down the tubes, the dog's done & now it's the time of the Boar.

Took off for Denver to start out my new year & arrived just in time to see some snow.

Well, in addition to the approximately 2' they already had. Streets were covered with 4"-6" of ice with ruts where the cares were rolling, just put the tires in the tracks & let go of the wheel, auto-pilot on!

Then, I got out just in time to miss the next dropping of the white stuff. 'Twas cool to visit winter, since it sure ain't around these parts. Gonna be 70f during this weekend. Denver offered up many food opportunities & I took advantage. Raw fish, mussels, Indian, Mexican galore. Be jealous, be very jealous.......